SETI - References for List of Searches

These references are for the SETI - List of Searches document.

  1. DRAKE, F.D., 1960, Sky & Telescope, 39, 140.
  2. KELLERMAN, K.I., 1966, Australian Journal of Physics, 19, 195.
  3. TROITSKII, V.S., STARODUBTSEV, A.M., GERSHTEIN, L.I. and RAKHLIN, V.L., 1971, Soviet AJ, 15, 508.
  4. TROITSKII, V.S., BONDAR, L.N. and STRODUBTSEV, A.M., 1975, Soviet Phys.-Usp. , 17, 607.
  5. VERSCHUUR, G.L., 1973, Icarus, 19, 329.
  6. PALMER, P. and ZUCKERMAN, B., 1972, The NRAO Observer, 13, No.6, 26.
    SHEAFFER, R., 1977, Spaceflight, 19, No.9, 307.
  7. BELITSKY, B., LAWTON, A. and GATLAND, K., 1978, Spaceflight, 20, 193.
  8. DIXON, R.S. and COLE, D.M., 1977, Icarus, 30, 267. KRAUS, J.D., 1979, "We Wait and Wonder," Cosmic Search, 1, No.3, 32.
  9. MORRISON, P., 1975, letter to directors of Radio Observatories dated 08/29/75 which appears in NASA SP-419, 204.
  10. SAGAN, C. and DRAKE, F., 1974, Scientific American, 232, 80.
  11. BOWYER, S, ZEITLAND, G.M., TARTER, J., LAMPTON, M. and WELCH, W.J., 1983, The Berkeley Parasitic SETI Program, Icarus, 53 pp.147-155.
  12. TARTER, J., BLACK, D., CUZZI, J. and CLARK, T., 1980, Icarus, 42, 136.
  13. TARTER, J., CUZZI, J., BLACK, D., CLARK, T., STULL, M. and DRAKE, F., 1979, paper 79-A-43 presented at 30th IAF Congress in Munich, Germany.
  14. HOROWITZ, P., 1978, Science, 201, 733.
  15. COHEN, N., and MALKAN, M. and DICKEY, J., 1980, Icarus, 41, 198.
  16. SULLIVAN, W.T., 3rd, BROWN, S. and WETHERHILL, C., 1978, Science, 199, 377.
  17. COLE, T.N. and EKERS, R.D., 1979, Proc-ASA, 3, 328.
  18. FREITAS, R.A. and VALDES, F., 1980, Icarus, 42, 442.
  19. TARTER, J. and ISRAEL. F.P., 1982, Acta Astronautica, 9, 415.
  20. KARDASHEV, N.S., 1964, Soviet A.J., 217. SHOLOMITSKII, G.B., IAU Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, February 27, 1965. New York Times, editorial, April 13, 1965, 36.
  21. SHVARTSMAN, V.F., 1977, Communications of the Special Astrophysical Obser., No.19,39.
  22. TARTER, J.C., CLARK, T.A., DUQUET, R. and LESYNA, L., 1983, Acta Astronautica, 10,277.
  23. VALDES, F. and FREITAS, R.A. Jr., 1983, Icarus 53, 453.
  24. Interview in Leningradskaya Pravda on Nov. 2, 1982.
  25. KUIPER, T. and GULKIS, S., 1983, The Planetary Report, 3, 17.
  26. HOROWITZ, P. and FORSTER, J., 1985, The Search for Life: Recent Developments, M.D. Papagiannis (ed.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., 291.
  27. SLYSH, V.I., 1985, The Search for Life: Recent Developments, M.D. Papagiannis (ed.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., 315.
  28. HOROWITZ, P., 1986, published in the Proceedings of Green Bank Workshop on SETI, May 1985, 99.
  29. TARTER, J.C., 1985, Paper #IAA-85-473 Presented at 36th IAF Congress in Stockholm, Sweden.
    Biraud, F., 1983, Acta Astronautica, 10, 759.
  30. VALDES, F. and FREITAS, R.A. Jr., Paper #IAA-84-243 Presented at 35th IAF Congress in Lausanne, Switzerland.
  31. Presented at 1981 US-USSR Meeting, Tallin, Estonia.
  32. 1982 preprint "21 cm Radio Emissions with Geometric Fine Structure" by Gray, Dixon, Ehman and Talent.
    Cited by Freitas (1985) JBIS 38, 106.
  33. Preprint.
  34. Preprint. Paper to be published in Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 99, Bioastronomy: The Next Steps, G. Marx (ed.), Reidel Publishing Co., 1988.
  35. ARKHIPOV, A.V., 1986, Academy of Sciences Ukranian SSR Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics, preprint no. 303.
  36. BOWYER, S., WERTHEIMER, D. and LINDSAY, V., 1988, "The Berkeley Piggyback SETI Program: Serendip II" in Bioastronomy: The Next Steps, G. Marx (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  37. PASHCHENKO, et al., 1971, "Measurement of One-Dimensional Function of Distribution for Signals from Galactic Sources." Astronomicheskii Tsirkulyar, No. 626, pp. 1-3.
  38. PASHCHENKO, et al., 1973, "Investigation of the Density of Probability for Interstellar Hydroxyl Radio Lines," Uchebynkh Zavedenii-Radio Fizika, 16, pp. 1344-1349.
  39. LEKHT, et al., 1975, "Investigations of Statistical Properties of OH Maser Sources." Pis'ma V Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 1, pp. 29-32.
  40. GINDILIS, L.M., 1986, "Radio Astronomy and Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations--Development of Investigations in the USSR," Trudy Gaish, 58, pp. 87-118.
  41. SHOSTAK, S. and TARTER, J., 1982, "SIGNAL (Search for Intelligence in the Galactic Nucleus with the Array of the Lowlands)," paper #IAA-82-262 presented at IAF Congress, Paris, France.
  42. VALLEE, J.P., 1985, "Search for Strongly Polarized Radio Emission from E.T.I. and an Optimistic Approach to the Great Silence (Fermi's Paradox)" in The Search for Life: Recent Developments, M.D. Papagiannis (ed.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., 321.
  43. GRAY, R.H., 1986, The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Proceedings of NRAO Workshop at NRAO, Green Bank, West Virginia, May 1985, K. Kellermann and G. Seielstad (eds.), NRAO/AUI Publishers, 205.
  44. GINDILIS, L.M., DUBINSKIJ, B.A. and RUDNITSKIJ, G.M., 1988, "SETI Investigations in the USSR," paper IAA-88-544, presented at IAF Congress, Bangalore, India.
  45. SCHVARTSMAN, V.F., 1988, "SETI in Optical Range with the 6M Telescope (MANIA)," in Bioastronomy: The Next Steps, G. Marx (editor), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 389-390.
  46. HARRIS, M.J., 1990, "A Search for Linear Alignments of Gamma Ray Burst Sources," JBIS 43, 551.
  47. The Search for ET Life - Recent Developments, Proceedings of 1984 Boston Meeting, M.D. Papagiannis (ed.), pp. 335-339.
  48. BLAIR, D.G., NORRIS, R., WELLINGTON, K.J., WILLIAMS, A. and WRIGHT, A., 1991, Proceedings of Third Bioastronomy Symposium at Val Cenis, France, J. Heidmann and M. Klein (eds.), Springer Verlag.
  49. BANIA, T.M and ROOD, R.T., 1991 preprint "Search for Interstellar Beacons at the 3He+ Hyperfine Transition Frequency," in Third Decennial US-USSR Conference on SETI, Santa Cruz, August 1991. S. Shostak (editor), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Vol. 47, pp. 357-365.
  50. COLOMB, R. ET AL., 1991 preprint, paper presented at Buenos Aires IAU General Assembly, August 1991.
  51. GRAY, R., 1991, preprint "A Directed Search for Extraterrestrial Laser Signals," Fourth Symposium on Chemical Evolution and The Origin and Evolution of Life, NASA Ames, July 1990.
  52. STEFFES, P.G. and DeBOER, D.R., 1994, "A SETI Search of Nearby Solar-Type Stars at the 203-GHz Positronium Hyperfine Resonance," Icarus 107, pp. 215-218.
  53. BACKUS, P. and OLSEN, E.T., 1993, NASA High Resolution Microwave Survey Targeted Search and Sky Survey Status Quarterly Report, SETI Institute.
  54. DONNELLY, C., BOWYER, S., WERTHIMER, D. and MALINA, R.F., 1994, SERENDIP: The U.C. Berkeley SETI Project, Center for EUV Astrophysics, Publication no. 557.
  55. BACKUS, P., 1995, "The Phoenix Search Results at Parkes", paper IAA-95-IAA.9.1.05, presented at IAF Congress in Oslo, Norway. To be published in special edition of Acta Astronautica (No. 5, 1996)
  56. DREHER, J., 1995, "The Phoenix Signal Detection System", paper IAA-95-IAA.9.1.04, presented at IAF Congress in Oslo, Norway. To be published in special edition of Acta Astronautica (No. 5, 1996)
  57. GREY, R., 1995, "Small SETI Radio Telescope Mark II: 8192 Channels", SETI Quest, vol. 2, No. 4, November 1995.
  58. MAUERSBERGER, R., WILSON, T.L., ROOD, R.T., BANIA, T.M., HEIN, H., and LINHART, A.; "SETI at the spin flip line frequency of positronium", Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, 1995.


Algonquin Radio Observatory in Ontario, Canada
Australian Telescope National Facility/Parkes, Parkes, NSW, Australia
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Epping, New South Wales, Australia
Hat Creek Radio Observatory in Castel, California
Haystack Radio Observatory in Westford, Massachusetts
Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia in Villa Elisa, Argentina
Instituto de Radioastronomia Millimetrica, Spain
Kitt Peak National Observatory in Tucson, Arizona
Max Planck Institut fur Radioastronomie in Effelesberg, Germany
National Astronomy and Ionospheric Center - Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
Observatoire de Nancay in Nancay, France
Deep Space Network (DSN)
DSS 14 in Goldstone, California
DSS 43 in Tidbinbilla, Australia
National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank, West Virginia, Tucson, Arizona and Soccorro, New Mexico
Ohio State University Radio Observatory in Columbus, Ohio
Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory in Amherst, Massachussetts
Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope in Westerbork, The Netherlands

References compiled by Jill Tarter, SETI Institute

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