每日一天文圖 (成大物理分站)
Astronomy Picture of the Day

. 探索宇宙!每天一幅不同的影像或照片,並由專業天文學家簡明的解說,帶你遨遊迷人的宇宙。

2015 年 4 月 2 日
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

影像提供與版權: Christoph Kaltseis - 詩:Edward Lear致歉


The Owl and the Galaxy sail these skies 星系翱翔於天際
With blue and yellow star. 與藍星和黃星同遊

They go together beneath the Big Dipper, 它們高翔在北斗之下
If you wonder where they are. 君若欲知它們何在

The Galaxy's light shines through the night, 星系徹夜照耀
Ten millions of light-years away. 遠在千萬光年之外

But never fear the Owl is near, 且莫為梟著急
Inside the Milky Way. 因它近在銀河之內

A cosmic shroud, the Owl is proud, 岸然的梟是團雲氣
its central star a must. 其內孕有中心星

And the spiral Galaxy lies on edge 而螺旋星系側著
To show off all its dust, 以展現它塵埃的風貌
Its dust, 塵埃呀
Its dust, 塵埃
To show off all its dust. 以展現它塵埃的風貌

明日的圖片: day and night

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.
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A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.

試譯:天文實驗室 (成功大學 物理學系 ;蘇漢宗)