每日一天文圖 (成大物理分站)
Astronomy Picture of the Day


2024 年 4 月 28 日
In the center is a colorful nebula, the most usually
seen part of the Ring Nebula. Several layers of red-glowing
gas with different structures are seen surrounding this
Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

影像提供: Hubble, Large Binocular Telescope, Subaru Telescope; 組合影像製作與版權: Robert Gendler

說明: 環狀星雲(M57)的結構,比小望遠鏡所見的要複雜。 輕易可見的是寬約1光年中心環,不過如這幅整合3部大望遠鏡協同觀測數據的極深空影像所示,在離這團星雲中心星很遠之處,還有許多會散發輝光的環狀雲氣絲。 這幅組合影像,結合了氫原子的紅光輻射、可見光和紅外光數據。 環狀星雲是個外觀偏長的的行星狀星雲,為類太陽恆星演化成白矮星時,所拋出的外層大氣環狀星雲位於天琴座方向約2,500光年遠之處。

Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your birthday? (post 1995)
明日的圖片: comet, planet, moon

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Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)
NASA Official: Amber Straughn Specific rights apply.
NASA Web Privacy, Accessibility, Notices;
A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC,
NASA Science Activation
& Michigan Tech. U.

翻譯:蘇漢宗 Su, Han-Tzong成功大學 物理學系